How is the WCHA Organized?

The WCHA is organized as a not-for-profit corporation.  The governance of the

organization includes the following:

Executive Director
The Executive Director is an individual under contract with the WCHA to provide day-to-day services for the Association.  The Executive Director has no voting rights within the organization’s governing body, but bares the responsibility for apprising the membership and Board of Directors on issues relating to the WCHA mission and for promoting policies and positions established by the WCHA’s Board of Directors.  To learn more about WCHA Executive Director Patrick B. Vander Sanden, click here.

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the WCHA consists of the officers of the Association elected by the membership of the Association at a regularly scheduled business meeting.  Officers include:

  • Secretary, President and Past President held by Highway Commissioners
  • Vice Chair, Chair and Past Chair held by County Board Supervisors
  • Treasurer held by Highway Commissioner, but serving as an ex-officio member

Board of Directors
For purposes of representation, the state is divided into eight districts.  The membership of each district elects two individuals to represent them on the Board of Directors, one Highway Commissioner and one County Board Supervisor.  The Board of Directors serves as the main governing body of WCHA.

Contact Us:

Office: 608.367.4126



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